Increasing Spotlight on Private REIT NAVs in 2024
In 2024, funds that fail to provide truly unbiased third-party opinions of NAV, besides being punished by the market, will face unprecedented legal and regulatory risks. more
In 2024, funds that fail to provide truly unbiased third-party opinions of NAV, besides being punished by the market, will face unprecedented legal and regulatory risks. more
Put simply, the only way to overcome the mistrust associated with an internal opinion is to engage a competent third party to provide either a well-supported value conclusion or, at least, some form of advisory review. The key ingredient is disinterest. Credibility rests solely with parties who have no horse in the race. more
Learn why some of the world’s largest CRE owners rely on the proven expertise of Capright and the industry leading technology of REIX Corporation for a competitive edge in data curation and valuation compliance. more
Finally an outsource solution with deep CRE expertise! more
Who Is Using Your Asset & Performance Data more
If Your CRE Valuation Compliance Process is a RUBBER STAMP, You are at RISK! more
For the highest standard in CRE valuation compliance, you need the proven expertise of Capright and the industry leading technology of REIX Corp. more
For a moment at the end of Q3, investors saw the temporary lull in the Fed’s rate-hikes as good news; but their optimism soon evaporated. more
In the current inflationary economy, rising operating expenses continue to trouble commercial property owners. Spiking insurance premiums are a sudden and obvious concern, but property more
Despite a continuing focus on the post-COVID re-orientation of commercial real estate, the truth is many trends had been afoot for decades. We are reminded more