Brave New World?
January 19, 2022
After two years in the world of Zoom, Capright’s Steve Williams lists five takeaways from his recent foray back to in-person real estate conferencing:
- The benefit and sheer joy of face-to-face interaction is inestimable.
- While tech is shiny, all that glitters is not gold. Our COVID journey reminds us not to leave decision-making solely to the data scientists. Real estate lenders, while technology reduces your manual data input, it will not replace your interpretive skills.
- ESG and inclusivity are here to stay.
- After two years, our unanimous frustration with ‘I am not a robot’ mosaics remains.
- Kiss a fond goodbye to Excel. Workbooks, you’re toast.
Encouraged to hear a millennial admit, “My best ideas start on the back of a napkin”! Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose!