
Dorcey Abshier, a Senior Associate with Capright, currently assists senior Capright staff with industrial, office, retail, hotel and land appraisal projects within the United States.

Mr. Abshier has completed appraisal assignments for financial reporting, asset management and portfolio monitoring and loan monitoring purposes for a variety of clients including REITs, pension funds, regional and national financial institutions and investment advisors.

Prior to joining Capright, Mr. Abshier began his real estate career as an analyst for a San Diego commercial and industrial real estate developer. Mr. Abshier previously had experience in financial analysis for a software company in Shanghai and in monitoring and reporting for an international private equity firm. Mr. Abshier majored in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance and minored in German Studies at the University of Southern California.

[accordion open=”2″] [accordion_item title=”Education”]

University of Southern California | Los Angeles, California
• BS – Business Administration
• Minor – German Studies

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Appraisal Institute
• Practicing Affiliate
[/accordion_item] [/accordion] [/two_third] [one_third_last] [member name=”DORCEY G. ABSHIER” role=”Senior Associate” url=”http://www.capright.com/team/dorcey-g-abshier/” img=”http://www.capright.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Dorcey-Headshot.jpg” mail=”dabshier@capright.com”][/member]

Contact Information

[hr style=”1″ margin=”5px 0px 5px 0px”] 3111 Camino Del Rio North
Suite 740
San Diego, CA 92108
T: (858) 922-1797

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