Andrés Soto Rojas, Research Analyst with Capright, currently assists senior Capright staff with research projects within the US, including the development of automation tools, market qualitative and quantitative research, and financial real estate modeling.
Prior to joining the Capright team, Mr. Soto held a data analysis internship position in Costa Rica Central Bank. Mr. Soto is beginning his career in real estate working for Capright. He holds a Bachelor in Economics degree from the National University of Costa Rica, as well as a technical degree in Banking and Finance.
Mr. Soto is a native of Alajuela, Costa Rica and is bilingual in Spanish and English.
[accordion open=»2″] [accordion_item title=»Education»]
National University of Costa Rica | Heredia, Costa Rica
• BA – Economics [/accordion_item] [/accordion] [/two_third] [one_third_last] [member name=»ANDRÉS SOTO» role=»Research Analyst» url=»http://www.capright.com/andres-soto/» img=»https://www.capright.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/andres-soto.jpg» mail=»asoto@capright.com»][/member]
Contact Information
[hr style=»1″ margin=»5px 0px 5px 0px»] Oficentro Distrito Cuatro
Suite 205
San José, Costa Rica 10201
US Direct: +1 (469) 327-8302
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